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Imagine a life where...

You're living the epitome of the slow life, working in your hotel suite with room service, in a comfy robe on a tropical beach.

...or in a cozy coffee shop in the mountains somewhere.

You don't have to settle for a “normal” job— trading 40+ hours of your life for a mediocre paycheck

...doing something you don't love.

And most importantly...

You make the jump to start believing in yourself and get paid to do what you love.


The 3-in-1 Influencer Fast PassMASTERCOURSE

Where we show you how to build your content creator dream life. We're going to help you end the cycles of guesswork, burnout, feeling alone on your journey, and the pressure to get it allll perfect - those days are done.

Get Access to all 3 courses NOW

Payment plans available on the checkout page. Choose Affirm or AfterPay to design your own payment plan.

Stop trading time for money at work

Spend more time with your family

Work on your own timeline, not someone else's


Professional Blogging + Brand Building

How to Find Your Brand Stats + Set Your Rate

Steal my pitch template that's landed me over $1.8M in paid brand deals

The number one secret to landing deals that no one has told you. We're doing it differently than anyone else.

Before You Pitch: How to Make a Media Kit, Rate Sheets, What to Say on Brand Calls, + Finding Brand Contacts to Pitch

Pitching from A to Z: Subject lines that guarantee a higher open rate.

Negotiation: Learn to Increase Your Fee Without Increasing Workload

PLUS: Make sure brands aren't sneaking these things into your contract!

Regular price $697
  • Are you ready to get paid to work with brands? 
  • Are you ready to land more paid brand deals?
  • Are you ready to have the confidence to increase your rates?
  • If you're ready to get paid what you're worth, but you're not sure where to start...
  • INSTAPAID is for you!


Niching Down & Content Pillars, Finding Your Voice & Aesthetic, Beating Imposter Syndrome

Building a Bio that Sells, and Follower Retention

All of Our Non-Shady Creative Growth Strategies

Creating a Content Calendar & Repurpose Content like a Pro


How to Make Money by Working with Brands with ZERO followers

How to determine your pricing, actually get jobs, and turn them into ongoing partnerships so you can have money coming in every month

How to make a stand-out portfolio from A-Z (Steal our exact method and portfolio deck that landed us a quarterly $7,000 UGC-only partnership

How to make your photo/video content better so brands want to work with you again and again + Checklist of filming necessities to set you up for success

+ Plus over 2000 brand + PR contacts worth $1M in closed brand deals

"My husband was able to quit his job"

"I made my investment back a week later" -Lisa

"Thanks to you I'm getting rich!"


"I feel so much more confident!"


Imagine that you've built a business where...

Dream brands not only want to collaborate but pay above your rate, acknowledging the value you bring.

Brands seek you for the loyalty of your audience, recognizing your influence beyond numbers.

You leave your 9-5 to create your dream life, waking up excited with complete freedom over your hours, schedule, and location

... all while generating 1k, 10k, or even 50k+ per month.

Payment plans available on the checkout page. Choose Affirm or AfterPay to design your own payment plan.

"This has been life changing. Women empowering women and not seeing each other as competition."

- Maddy

"Thank you so much for all your guidance! I just got my first paid partnership, and I wouldn't have been able to do it without you!!!!!"

- Angela

"I've gone from 4100 impressions to 32k in a 30-day time period!"

- Corinne

What you'll learn inside the

3-in-1 Mastercourse:

  • How to grow not just an audience but a community full of loyal members
  • Exactly what it takes to pitch professionally and stand out to brands among the noise
  • The number one secret to landing deals that everyone else is gatekeeping
  • How to set your rate, prove your value, and pitch it with confidence
  • How to craft your subject line and email to get your pitch opened and answered
  • How to negotiate for higher rates and get paid for things that most influencers are giving away for free

I learned how to negotiate

"Just wanted to share a win! I was chatting with a brand that just wanted to send products and it turned into a $350 deal!!


Made my investment back in less than a month

"I'm so incredibly excited. I closed $4000 in two brand deals in the last two days. I can't believe this is real! I am so grateful for this course and the confidence you gave me to negotiate and how to ask to get paid." 


Turn content creation > into brand pitching strategy > into paid brand deals > that we help you negotiate into long term, consistent income

We're Ady & Kait!

We are full-time Influencers and serial entrepreneurs with a combined 15+ years of experience in the influencer industry. We have navigated the influencer industry by figuring many things out via trial & error. And we've created THIS course to include everything we learned so you won't face the same struggles and setbacks.

"If you sit next to a high performer, just having a high performer in your proximity will increase your productivity and performance by 15%." - Codie Sanchez

It is crucial to be at our table. To sit next to us. To get help from us, creators who are doing it, creating a full-time sustainable income in the influencer marketing industry.

Become a content creator and gain...

More income for you, whether it's just a side hustle right now or you're ready to go full-time.

Time and location freedom because you're your own boss and create your own schedule.

Payment plans available on the checkout page. Choose Affirm or AfterPay to design your own payment plan.

We can confidently say that becoming full-time content creators has dramatically changed our lives.

And we believe that it can do the same for you, no matter what your niche.

In less than 12 mo, we went from making "good money" creating content to landing five-figure brand partnerships (even $18,000-$35,000 deals)!


We've got A's for your Q's

Is being an influencer right for me? I’m having tons of self-doubt.

Is the influencer industry too saturated? Can I stand out? There are so many variations of this question that we hear daily from potential students. But every single day we have students saying “I am so glad I went for it and didn’t listen to my doubts."

In the InstaGrowth Course, there is an entire module on self-doubt, beating imposter syndrome, and how you can set yourself up for success. 


Do I have to be landing brand deals already for this to work for me?

No, you do not have to be landing brand deals right now to be successful. That’s kind of the point of the course - to help you START landing those big brand deals! We walk you through all the background information for getting your numbers ready, determining your rate, and creating a media kit that stands out from the noise. And of course, teach you how to send a killer pitch from A to Z that will start you out on the right foot landing those deals!

How do I know it's for me?

Do you love to create content? Do you want more time freedom? Are you tired of spinning your wheels wondering if you're doing it right? Then the Influencer Fast Pass Mastercourse is for you.

How much do I have to participate?

It's totally up to you. We think you'll have more fun if you complete the course and contribute to the community page, but you can also use the course as a more straightforward teaching only if you'd like.  

When can I get started?

Right away! We'd recommend joining as soon as possible—we won't be able to maintain the low introductory price forever.  

Does my location matter?

Anyone anywhere can join the community.  

How long will it take me to complete both courses in the bundle?

InstaPaid is over 3.5 hrs of no fluff, straight to the point big facts on how to get paid. Things that you can immediately implement to increase your revenue as a blogger and influencer. We are your fast pass. 

There are additional worksheets, notes, and templates to help guide you and of course, you can go at your own pace.  

Why should I enroll today (instead of waiting until I’m more ready)?

The time is NOW! The influencer industry has reached over 16 billion dollars and it’s time for you to get your piece of that pie.  

We created this Mastercourse for...

The influencer who absolutely loves what they do and knows they’re not making enough money doing it.

The person who hasn't gotten started yet, but knows that they have what it takes

The stressed-out influencer who feels like they’re spinning their wheels with what they’re currently doing, but has no idea what to change in order to make it work.

The aspiring content creator who is ready to MAKE MORE MONEY !

ready to take this influencer thing seriously?

The step-by-step guide to monetizing your social presence, pitching and landing brand deals, and creating a profitable business as a content creator.

Let's get this party started!

Payment plans available on the checkout page. Choose Affirm or AfterPay to design your own payment plan.

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keep in touch @influencerfastpass


*Results are not guaranteed because they depend on YOUR application of the course material. Please reach out to hello@influencerfastpass.com PRIOR to enrollment if you have questions, as we DO NOT OFFER REFUNDS!